Missing description column when uploading CSV files with CLI
Jakub Pomykała
Jakub Pomykała
Hey Kevin, descriptions uploaded via the CLI work as Code Descriptions, which serve as a permanent space and cannot be edited through the web application. They are intended for software developers to provide additional details for translation keys, while regular descriptions can be modified by anyone. I will update the documentation to make this distinction clearer. 😊
Kevin Ha
Jakub Pomykała: Hey I'm sorry for not making my issue clear. I was trying to add "description" column as this following doc, but it only succeeded when I manually upload via the translation editor. If I upload via CLI, the description column gets ignored.
I'd love to upload my csv file here for your reference but seems like there's no option so I took this screenshot of my csv file
Kevin Ha
Note that it works if I manually upload this file via translation editor. So I guess there's an issue with CLI upload
Jakub Pomykała
Kevin Ha: Descriptions from the CSV file uploaded via CLI show up under the "Code Description" field.
Please click on the "Description" title in the Web Editor to switch between the "Description" and "Code Description" fields.
Please let me know if you have any further questions! 😊
Kevin Ha
Jakub Pomykała: ah okay I see it now.
But isn't it a little bit inconsistent right there between CLI upload and translation editor? Because I upload the same file, but end up in the different fields.
Translation editor -> description
CLI upload -> code description
Jakub Pomykała
Kevin Ha: I agree that it might not be intuitive, but it prevents costly mistakes when using CLI by not overriding descriptions made by translators. We will add the option to update regular descriptions with CLI this week and ping you here once it's ready. 😊
Jakub Pomykała
Kevin Ha: Hi again Kevin, just a quick update. You can now change the translator descriptions via CLI by adding '--uploadOptions UPDATE_DESCRIPTIONS' to your CLI command. 😊
Kevin Ha
Jakub Pomykała: That's amazing. Thank you. I'll try it out
Kevin Ha
Jakub Pomykała: Works like a charm. Brilliant job!